What is the importance of the Ultimate Reality of an Everlasting Kingdom? That my friend is the exact reason why I created this site. I have come to the place with my walk with the Lord to Realize, His word is true. When the Prophet Daniel prophesied the under these Kings God would set up a Kingdom that would never be destroyed.(Dan.2:44) The God of Heaven did just as the Prophet had said. If you believe that say Amen.
I am one of only a small hand full that I know personally that don't view the world as to soon be ending. I have sat in churches that have drilled it into the minds of there congregation that the end of the world is Soon. That we live in a hopeless society, and this is all God's plan and doing so just deal with it. Sound a little familiar the doom and gloom out look on life. I know I see all the horrible things happening in society, it is horrible but I also see alot of beauty left in the world.
Why is it important that we view the world in a way as Solomon did in Eccl. 1:4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. Solomon had one thing on his mind when writing this, He knew that the earth would out live him and look it did. Solomon went ahead and built the temple, and lived his life to the fullest. When we begin to live life with a view of no future escape "rapture" or view of a "anti-christ" as a dictator ruler ready to take over the world at any minute. That record has played way to long, lets change the tune. Yes it starts with you, me and your children.
Our children have been taught a philosophy in the church that is far more damaging than many secular teachings. I can speak for my kids, they attend youth rallies or conventions the main alter calls are scare tactics where they are told that their parents will be taken in the "rapture" while they are left here on earth to face the "anti-christ". These are children 6-18 yrs old, what type of view in life is that for our Children. They are told they will never be married or have children, because the world will soon be ending. If a person that I believed was close to God or know God more than myself told me that when I was a kid, that would leave me with little hope and live under fear.
3 things I would like to say quickly:
1) If we could change the cd and begin to really tell our children, you have a future on earth. How much more could be accomplished? You can achieve a great career, you have time to be a Doctor, nurse, veterinarian or something that is of your chose. You will be able to grow up, get married and have children. I know people still do grow up and it seems as life go on as normal, but how many hesitations are made in the process because of the uncertainty.
2) Our churches have a mind set that the "rapture" is coming any day now, we look for a quick stay on earth then we are gone. This escapism plan has made for a slothful church, that is sluggish in its pursuits. The message is a "pie in the sky scenario" that is said like this " the Lord is going to bring a End Time revival and flood the church with sinners." I have heard that for 12yrs the preacher says "We are on the thresh hold of revival" only to see no results.
In an Everlasting Kingdom we realise there is time to work the harvest fields, we need to be strategic in our outreach efforts. Instead of reaching the whole world concept in a local assembly, we need the if I can truly Impact where we are it will spread to other places. We work on reaching one soul at a time instead of the Mass revival that still hasn't came our way. Our light becomes brighter we become more patient with other for we know we have a lifetime to reach them in an Everlasting Kingdom.
3) The biggest change I see in someone when they realize we are in God's Kingdom Now, and the end is not soon. They begin to invest in several things, themselves (get educated), in others and protecting the environment. Yes that's right the environment. I had this shift in my thinking and Ive seen it in scores of others. When in fact you realize the earth will be here long after your gone as Solomon did, you begin to think how can I really make the Planet a better place. In the mindset of the earth will soon burn we get slothful with our habit as see Earth as a soon discarded piece of trash. In a Kingdom mindset you begin to recycle, see new things in the World you never seen thou they have been there the whole time.
Wont you consider your outlook on the World around you, are raising your children to feel they have no future because of doom and gloom teaching coming across the pulpit. Do you see the world as "Hell" when God seen it was Good. Put on God's eyes plan a area of outreach, work that area(often) and see God's beauty begin to manifest.
Have a wonderful and blessed Day,
Danny F.
I recycle. I don't believe this world is trash. I Live life one day at a time regardless if there is an end or not. I live on with out the fear of Jesus is coming back. I believe that God is in control at all times weather the out come is good or not. Even if I were to believe that Jesus was to return again, ( which I still do ) I still live as if there is a tomorrow. Jesus says to not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has it's own. But take care of today.
ReplyDelete“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
(Matthew 6:34 ESV)
Don't live life as if there isn't a tomorrow, what do it profit you or the Lord Jesus if you do that? Go get that career or job or what ever, just remember to put God first in all things.