Oddly as it, was I started studying the scriptures and found to some striking discoveries. What did the Bible really say about being Saved and Redeemed? You should ask your self a question "Does your church teachings truly match up with what you believe about your salvation?" If you believe you're saved or redeemed now, you should check if your Pastor really believes you're saved.
The Word of God is very clear that this is a significant event that must take place before we could make such a claim as we are SAVED or REDEEMED. This historical event would be what many know as the "Second Coming" or Parousia. The Parousia is what Christ was asked by his disciples in Matthew 24:3 "What shall be the sign of thy coming "Parousia" and the end of the AGE. The disciples were very curious as to when this "Parousia" would come to pass, for they knew when it happened that would be the close out of the Mosaic Age.
I would like to insert a definition of "Parousia" here to give a clear meaning:
When we look into Christ's answer as to when the Parousia would happen he was precise and very direct to the timing of this event. In Matthew 24 chapter looking at the audience spoken to the 1st Century disciples in verse 1-3, the audience never changes over 18 times the Word disciple, you, or yours appears placing the setting of the end of the Age in the 1st Century. In Matt. 24:27 the Parousia of the son of Man is mentioned to happen, Matt. 24:34 Jesus himself says "Truly this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled/happen. The Word of God should take place over any mans traditional teachings, it is the very truth settled in the heavens (Matt. 24:35).
Why is it so important for this "second advent" or Parousia to have already happened, it surely has to do with mine and your Salvation. Can we say we are Saved or Redeemed? We cannot say we are if this event hasn't taken place. Keep in mind the 1st Century saints awaited this Sign of the Parousia for it would be the point that Salvation and Redemption would be Realized. In Hebrews written to 1st Century saints chp. 9:28 and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring SALVATION to those who are waiting for him. Salvation was available to saints only after this Parousia, second appearing.
What does the Bible say about Redemption in Luke 21:28? "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." The 1st Century saints where told to look up when the signs of tribulation where seen in their generation REDEMPTION was near. When would this redemption take place, at the Parousia. Romans can start the ball rolling as to what they were waiting for, Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us. The glory was about to be revealed in them, Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. The individual/collective Body of the 1st Century was waiting groaning travailing waiting for the Parousia they were aware "it" was about to take place then Redemption would take place. (Romans 8:23)
The Bible is very clear when you look at the audience spoken to when in Romans 13:12 the day of salvation will soon be here, Our redemption draws nigh Luke 21, 2 Peter 1:19 the day dawns. This is clearly speaking of that Wonderful day when the Parousia would happen.
As you can plainly see the timing or placing of the Parousia makes all the difference on if you can say your SAVED or REDEEMED.
Thank you for taking your time to read.
God Bless you today and ALWAYS.....
Danny F.
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