GOD has set up HIS KINGDOM that is EVERLASTING....Daniel 2:44


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

All the confusion....

Where does all the confusion come about when it comes to talk about the END TIMES/LAST DAYS? We all have sat in a Prayer closet and asked God lead me into more truth or reveil to me your Word in a greater measure. Maybe not in those exact words but in that fashion of Prayer.

Many of us when we were still out in the World and unsaved, we often bumped into someone that tried to explain More TRUTH to us. At the time we may have not understood it all the way or perhaps thought the person was off there rocker a bit.

This has been my experience when dealing with people concerning Preterism or Fulfilled Eschatology, when it is mentioned to them just as when they heard about more concerning Salvation they get a little nervous. People have heard so many things just about like when being filled with the Holy Ghost, you will shake all over, jump up and down, then after you have experienced the infilling of the Holy Ghost. You as an individual say " I wish I had experienced that years ago." It is much the same principle with any of Gods Truth.

What do I mean by the same principle with Gods truth, simple you must hunger and thirst to be filled. Often before someone gets God they experience great hunger for the things of God. Its the same way with the TRUTH of Eschatology, you will not see Biblical Truth till you SEEK it. Remember that verse if you SEEK you shall FIND. Exactly you dont recieve Knowledge of Gods Word in a casual brush up against it, Treasure is hidden and requires alittle digging to find Gold and Precious jewels.

The confusion starts in the believer when they begin to hear things taught that their Pastor hasnt taught them that way. Although what they are hearing from other sources makes more since. Much like with the steps to Salvation so it will be with the leading of God to clear Biblical understanding of Eschatology "A little here and a little there." When someone breaks the barrier of their religious circle, leader begin to rise up and point out the individual has gone astray. When infact God has revealed something more to them. As you continue to SEEK God remember what you started going to church for it was for JESUS, not a social club.

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