GOD has set up HIS KINGDOM that is EVERLASTING....Daniel 2:44


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Matthew 16:28

I have been a Preterist for around 11yrs now. I started out in the Pentecostal church in 2000 when an individual handed me a tape by Rev. Larry Smith. Rev. Smith was an esteemed man of God in the UPC organization. He had written many wonderful Bible studies used by many in the movement the Bible Studies you many even own "Rightly Dividing the Word on the NEW BIRTH and GODHEAD." This cassette that Rev. Smith spoke of the things of Prophecy in a different manner than I had heard before. A passage that stuck out to me in the teaching was Matthew 16:28.

You may have never really stopped and considered exactly what this passage of scripture is saying.  There is a reason why a Pastor  wouldn't preach/teach on this scripture, he would have to tell a lie if he brought out this passage and didn't teach what Jesus was saying. I don't claim to know more than any man or be more connected to God I just LOVE Truth, not tradition.

In Mattthew 16:28 (ESV) Jesus [himself] says " Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." In the quoted passage Jesus tells the hearers the some standing there wouldn't die till Jesus come in his kingdom. In Mark 8:34 says "And having called near the multitude, with his disciples, he said to them" This is Marks account of the dialogue Jesus had with the MULTITUDE of people there when he made this statement. That is right Jesus said he would return in their lifetime. Make now mistake there is truth to Preterism, we aren't just pulling straws out of a hat and saying that sounds good, let confuse everyone. There are other passages Jesus said that he would return in the lifetime of the disciples but I only want to point out this one verse today.

This is just a small taste of the starting point that really go my wheels turning some 11yrs. ago, I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears. Either Jesus returned or we have a failed Messiah, I like to believe Jesus as infallible and told the truth. Many don't want to face that perhaps they could be wrong concerning the second advent of Christ. When in fact Preterism still has its flaws but is growing toward Biblical accuracy as the studies continue.

God Bless!
Danny F.

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