GOD has set up HIS KINGDOM that is EVERLASTING....Daniel 2:44


Friday, December 30, 2011



I DO! I have heard such remarks come out of many peoples mouths what does this study of the Eschatology really matter. I even seen a comment of "like End Times is the most important subject." In fact whether you know it or not your view of Eschatology effects every area of your life. From your Worldview, to Christian Character, Work ethics, Saving/Spending, Even more your view on Elohim (God). The study of the Last Days is a subject that is prob. the most in need of Reformation. I would like to demonstrate to you how your view does effect even your Christian life.

In the late 1800's the United States was given a gift from a foreign country, this structure was designed, assembled, dismantled and shipped to the US. from France. This massive structure was shipped to the New York shore in some 200+ crates. Engineers and Architects took skill and precision as to the planing and placing of the massive structure. The site was picked to assemble this structure but soon the finances where not available to build. New York was soon to loose their bid for the chosen place for this monument. A man (Joseph Pulitzer) had a newspaper and printed that New York needed donations to build the monument. Soon the people of the U.S. started pitching in a Penny, nickel, dime or Dollar. In no time they raised the funds and this statue was under way. This statue represents something meaning Liberty Enlightening the World, that's right my friend the Statue of Liberty. This country although still under developed believe that it would endure so they go to work and made something happen the Statue was completed.

The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is of much more importance than a statue in New York. The Church is that City set on a hill, the Light of the World, a Tower of Refuge and Strength, the very Truth that endures from Generation to Generation. With reports that the church will soon be gone of the face of the earth, people sit by as though they have been called out of darkness just to occupy till he comes. This is far from the truth we are to be Over comers and more than Conquers, we are to be strategic in our pursuits and calling in the Kingdom of God. We are many members but of One Body, if you feel as though you have a small effect in the Kingdom, some donated pennies to getting the statue of Liberty built, do your part to help build the Everlasting Kingdom.

This world demands a church that knows its rightful place on Earth. With escapism and fear driving the church, this mentality is very harmful to the health of the Body. With 2012 approaching I pray you catch fresh fire from the spirit of God. Take inventory of you walk, ask yourself have I been effective, am I doing all I can for the Lord. The great depression hit the U.S. not long after the statue of Liberty was finished. With the Worlds economical system in a downturn, we need to be secure and ready that the promised escape "rapture" is not coming. In fact we will have to face troubling times ahead, we must hold on to the anchor of our Salvation.

Just how Everlasting/Eternal is the Kingdom of God, Paul in Eph. 3 lays a very strong foundation for the Reality of the Church. I have seen some commentators put twists on passages and the verse I'm getting ready to quote is one of them. Remember the writer of the commentary is bound by his own mindset and if he sees an end of the world soon his interp. will be tilted that way or he will be blinded from the reality hidden in the passage. Eph. 3:21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, Age without end. Amen. The praise/glory of Jesus will in fact be for all generations, Yes the passage says All. Age without end is in fact speaking of the New Covenant age, that is what we are in right now and it has been advancing for some 2000yrs now.

The main message of the church should be changed instead of a few buzz words such as "the rapture will happen soon" or "the end is near" to "we are saved now lets really Impact the society." We know being part of an Everlasting Kingdom if you come to grips with you are in this Kingdom Now, because you are even if you don't believe it. Your mindset will change, your attitude toward your value in life changes as well. We know that the works of your hands in the natural as well as the spiritual Endure to the following Generation. Its time you stop chancing the tail in circles and see something happen in your corner of the Planet. For you work is not in vain, it endures.

Consider the works of your hands as Solomon did. They will be left for someone else to pick up the reigns.

God Bless you richly in this New Year and Always,
Danny F

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Saved or Redeemed???

Praise the Lord! Have you ever asked yourself am I saved? Am I redeemed? I hope you have considered either of these questions if you are in fact in the Lord. I had often thought as a Christian my salvation was complete. I thought the work of Christ was totally finished and I possessed the salvation He brought.

Oddly as it, was I started studying the scriptures and found to some striking discoveries. What did the Bible really say about being Saved and Redeemed? You should ask your self a question "Does your church teachings truly match up with what you believe about your salvation?" If you believe you're saved or redeemed now, you should check if your Pastor really believes you're saved.

The Word of God is very clear that this is a significant event that must take place before we could make such a claim as we are SAVED or REDEEMED. This historical event would be what many know as the "Second Coming" or Parousia. The Parousia is what Christ was asked by his disciples in Matthew 24:3 "What shall be the sign of thy coming "Parousia" and the end of the AGE. The disciples were very curious as to when this "Parousia" would come to pass, for they knew when it happened that would be the close out of the Mosaic Age.

I would like to insert a definition of "Parousia" here to give a clear meaning:
PAROUSIA, means arrival or presence. It is different from the Greek words that mean "to come and go." PAROUSIA is more than a coming. It is presence. The word ,coming, suggests a process. The word ,arrival, suggests the end of the process of coming. The phrase Parousia is coined for the arrival of a king.

When we look into Christ's answer as to when the Parousia would happen he was precise and very direct to the timing of this event. In Matthew 24 chapter looking at the audience spoken to the 1st Century disciples in verse 1-3, the audience never changes over 18 times the Word disciple, you, or yours appears placing the setting of the end of the Age in the 1st Century. In Matt. 24:27 the Parousia  of the son of Man is mentioned to happen, Matt. 24:34 Jesus himself says "Truly this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled/happen. The Word of God should take place over any mans traditional teachings, it is the very truth settled in the heavens (Matt. 24:35).

Why is it so important for this "second advent" or Parousia to have already happened, it surely has to do with mine and your Salvation. Can we say we are Saved or Redeemed?  We cannot say we are if this event hasn't taken place. Keep in mind the 1st Century saints awaited this Sign of the Parousia for it would be the point that Salvation and Redemption would be Realized. In Hebrews written to 1st Century saints chp. 9:28 and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring SALVATION to those who are waiting for him. Salvation was available to saints only after this Parousia, second appearing.

What does the Bible say about Redemption in Luke 21:28?  "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." The 1st Century saints where told to look up when the signs of tribulation where seen in their generation REDEMPTION was near. When would this redemption take place, at the Parousia. Romans can start the ball rolling as to what they were waiting for, Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us. The glory was about to be revealed in them, Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. The individual/collective Body of the 1st Century was waiting groaning travailing waiting for the Parousia they were aware "it" was about to take place then Redemption would take place. (Romans 8:23)

The Bible is very clear when you look at the audience spoken to when in Romans 13:12 the day of salvation will soon be here, Our redemption draws nigh Luke 21, 2 Peter 1:19 the day dawns. This is clearly speaking of that Wonderful day when the Parousia would happen.

As you can plainly see the timing or placing of the Parousia makes all the difference on if you can say your SAVED or REDEEMED.
Thank you for taking your time to read.
God Bless you today and ALWAYS.....
Danny F.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Whats the importance........

What is the importance of the Ultimate Reality of an Everlasting Kingdom? That my friend is the exact reason why I created this site. I have come to the place with my walk with the Lord to Realize, His word is true. When the Prophet Daniel prophesied the under these Kings God would set up a Kingdom that would never be destroyed.(Dan.2:44) The God of Heaven did just as the Prophet had said. If you believe that say Amen.

I am one of only a small hand full that I know personally that don't view the world as to soon be ending. I have sat in churches that have drilled it into the minds of there congregation that the end of the world is Soon. That we live in a hopeless society, and this is all God's plan and doing so just deal with it. Sound a little familiar the doom and gloom out look on life. I know I see all the horrible things happening in society, it is horrible but I also see alot of beauty left in the world.

Why is it important that we view the world in a way as Solomon did in Eccl. 1:4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. Solomon had one thing on his mind when writing this, He knew that the earth would out live him and look it did. Solomon went ahead and built the temple, and lived his life to the fullest. When we begin to live life with a view of no future escape "rapture" or view of a "anti-christ" as a dictator ruler ready to take over the world at any minute. That record has played way to long, lets change the tune. Yes it starts with you, me and your children.

Our children have been taught a philosophy in the church that is far more damaging than many secular teachings. I can speak for my kids, they attend youth rallies or conventions the main alter calls are scare tactics where they are told that their parents will be taken in the "rapture" while they are left here on earth to face the "anti-christ". These are children 6-18 yrs old, what type of view in life is that for our Children. They are told they will never be married or have children, because the world will soon be ending. If a person that I believed was close to God or know God more than myself told me that when I was a kid, that would leave me with little hope and live under fear.

3 things I would like to say quickly:
1) If we could change the cd and begin to really tell our children, you have a future on earth. How much more could be accomplished? You can achieve a great career, you have time to be a Doctor, nurse, veterinarian or something that is of your chose. You will be able to grow up, get married and have children. I know people still do grow up and it seems as life go on as normal, but how many hesitations are made in the process because of the uncertainty.

2) Our churches have a mind set that the "rapture" is coming any day now, we look for a quick stay on earth then we are gone. This escapism plan has made for a slothful church, that is sluggish in its pursuits. The message is a "pie in the sky scenario" that is said like this " the Lord is going to bring a End Time revival and flood the church with sinners." I have heard that for 12yrs the preacher says "We are on the thresh hold of revival" only to see no results.

In an Everlasting Kingdom we realise there is time to work the harvest fields, we need to be strategic in our outreach efforts. Instead of reaching the whole world concept in a local assembly, we need the if I can truly Impact where we are it will spread to other places. We work on reaching one soul at a time instead of the Mass revival that still hasn't came our way. Our light becomes brighter we become more patient with other for we know we have a lifetime to reach them in an Everlasting Kingdom.

3) The biggest change I see in someone when they realize we are in God's Kingdom Now, and the end is not soon. They begin to invest in several things, themselves (get educated), in others and protecting the environment. Yes that's right the environment. I had this shift in my thinking and Ive seen it in scores of others. When in fact you realize the earth will be here long after your gone as Solomon did, you begin to think how can I really make the Planet a better place. In the mindset of the earth will soon burn we get slothful with our habit as see Earth as a soon discarded piece of trash. In a Kingdom mindset you begin to recycle, see new things in the World you never seen thou they have been there the whole time.

Wont you consider your outlook on the World around you, are raising your children to feel they have no future because of doom and gloom teaching coming across the pulpit. Do you see the world as "Hell" when God seen it was Good. Put on God's eyes plan a area of outreach, work that area(often) and see God's beauty begin to manifest.

Have a wonderful and blessed Day,
Danny F.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

All the confusion....

Where does all the confusion come about when it comes to talk about the END TIMES/LAST DAYS? We all have sat in a Prayer closet and asked God lead me into more truth or reveil to me your Word in a greater measure. Maybe not in those exact words but in that fashion of Prayer.

Many of us when we were still out in the World and unsaved, we often bumped into someone that tried to explain More TRUTH to us. At the time we may have not understood it all the way or perhaps thought the person was off there rocker a bit.

This has been my experience when dealing with people concerning Preterism or Fulfilled Eschatology, when it is mentioned to them just as when they heard about more concerning Salvation they get a little nervous. People have heard so many things just about like when being filled with the Holy Ghost, you will shake all over, jump up and down, then after you have experienced the infilling of the Holy Ghost. You as an individual say " I wish I had experienced that years ago." It is much the same principle with any of Gods Truth.

What do I mean by the same principle with Gods truth, simple you must hunger and thirst to be filled. Often before someone gets God they experience great hunger for the things of God. Its the same way with the TRUTH of Eschatology, you will not see Biblical Truth till you SEEK it. Remember that verse if you SEEK you shall FIND. Exactly you dont recieve Knowledge of Gods Word in a casual brush up against it, Treasure is hidden and requires alittle digging to find Gold and Precious jewels.

The confusion starts in the believer when they begin to hear things taught that their Pastor hasnt taught them that way. Although what they are hearing from other sources makes more since. Much like with the steps to Salvation so it will be with the leading of God to clear Biblical understanding of Eschatology "A little here and a little there." When someone breaks the barrier of their religious circle, leader begin to rise up and point out the individual has gone astray. When infact God has revealed something more to them. As you continue to SEEK God remember what you started going to church for it was for JESUS, not a social club.