GOD has set up HIS KINGDOM that is EVERLASTING....Daniel 2:44


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is this it!!!

Hello Everyone,

When I begin to share my view about the Last Days/End Times in the Bible as a point referred to as the closing out of  Last days of the Old Covenant. People are often taken back by my statements, in their minds they think "How could they have been taught something wrong?" Almost everyone replies "IS THIS IT?" I will offer a few quick suggestions to peak some thought for your life. As you may be one struggling with the thought of the World not coming to an end anytime Soon.

Firstly, I would like to suggest that yes there has always has been a sect of people that have held to the view of Preterism to some extent or another. As I think about some of the history in church, did these that have died in the faith, sit around wondering " IS THIS IT?" Oh the JOYS that would have thrilled these believers if the pastor or leader that was over them would have taught them the Reality of this Everlasting KINGDOM. Perhaps the Pastor/Teacher may have not been exposed to such a teaching. Here in the 21st Century everyone of us has a Bible and a concordance. You don't have to be a teacher of Greek/Hebrew to see Matthew 24 the famous doom and gloom Chapter of the Bible is NOT speaking about the End of the World, Rather it is the End of the AGE.

I had an individual ask me the other day what exactly is the End of the AGE. This is a good thing, to ask a question. I accept personal inbox messages on Facebook about any question you may have. The End of the Age, the disciples Jesus spoke to in Matthew 24 knew the End was soon. The End of the Age means the close of the Old Covenant Age. You can study using Systematic Theology and start in the gospels and work you way through the epistles and study "THE END" that is what "THE END" refers to The End of the AGE. You may ask yourself," I thought the New Covenant started at the cross and that was the End of the Old Covenant Age." You are correct the New Covenant did start at the cross, the Old Covenant didn't disappear till after a 40yr. period.  Lets look at the underpinning of the New Testament writers for clarification, I would like to share a scripture with you:

Hebrews 8:13 (ESV) In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

Looking at Hebrews 8:13 allows for clarity on the subject. I have a parable I like to use to get a clear picture of what the Bible shows of this Covenant overlap, it goes as follows. A body (Old Covenant dies at the Cross) and that body lays in state at a funeral home for everyone to view, then the body is put away for good, it vanishes. The temple was allowed to stand in Jerusalem for 40 yrs until God himself but it away, never to be rekindled again. 

I know I haven't offered much explanation to your question "IS THIS IT?" I'll get to that now.

As I walk in the Reality that God has set up His Everlasting Kingdom as promised in Daniel 2:44, I come to grips with the Promises of God that have come to pass in my own life. God said in Hebrews 11:1 He that comes to God must first believe that He is and He is a REWARDER of those who diligently seek him. God has held to that Great Promise in my life. AMEN! He promised to remit my sins, and in fact He has done that as well. God has Promised to be My shield and Exceeding Great reward, many times My wonderful Lord and Saviour has shown up on the scene and Performed just as He said. I could testify of the Goodness of God all night as you probably could do as well. The long and short of it is that God has become my ALL in ALL (1 Cor. 15:28) Yes He is my ALL in ALL the End spoke of in 1 Cor. 15 is nothing other then the End of the AGE! That has come and passed.

If you ask your self "IS THIS IT?" Isn't "CHRIST IN YOU ENOUGH!!!" We no longer need to just HOPE, we have the PROMISED SEED INSIDE!

This blog is not just to be informational, but it is a story of my life and adventure with a LIVING GOD!  (Proverbs 4:7) YEA, WITH ALL THY GETTING GET UNDERSTANDING.

Have you a Hallelujah Good Sonday!
Danny F.

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